For the forth year in September Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) hosted The International Sand Animation Festival “The Touch” (“Prikosnovenie”). It became a good tradition for meeting, creative communication and sharing experience for artists from different countries.
In the festival day morning Olga Radzetskaya organized workhop “Architecture” in the sand animation studio “Volshebnik” for festival participants and teachers of sand animation studios.
And in the evening citizens and visitors of the city enjoed Gala Concert of winners and jury of the festival, held under the open sky on enbankment of the Dnepr river. Everyone interested could watch performances, follow movements of magic hands of artists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
This year Olga Radzetskaya was a member of the international festival jury jointly with Natalia Mironova, Svetlana Telbukh, Maria Voronina and Aleksandr Shatokhin. Her performance with the show “Sketches of Belarus” was the closing one of the festival’s Gala Concert.
“Attending a festival “live” brings absolutely different emotions and experience! Being a jury member is honorary and pleasing, but it is an incredible responsibility. I’m deeply grateful to organizers Natalia Mironova and Svetlana Telbuck for this fest of sand art on banks of Dnepr celebrated every year! How very important the thing you do! Thanks a lot to participants of the fest for their talent and inspiration!”